If you are in search of a chiropractor in Clarksville, it makes sense to choose an experienced doctor you can trust. At Source Chiropractic we do our best to restore our patients to a healthy, pain-free lifestyle. The Chiropractors here expect to make a difference in your life. Decrease your pain. Increase your ability to live life. Love life. Our goal is to have each patient wake up renewed and confident that their bodies are ready for whatever today brings. We can't wait to treat you!
WELCOME TO Source Chiropractic
We care. And caring takes time. We don't rush, ever. We are here to serve you and provide you with the highest quality Chiropractic Experience each time, every time.
A typical day at our office entails Dr. Jeff treating multiple people with bulging discs, Sciatica, neck pain, arm pain, hip pain and shoulder dysfunction.
Every day we get a new patient who tells us, "I should have come here a long time ago. I didn't because I was afraid of getting my neck popped and getting hurt. Or, I've heard once you start seeing a Chiropractor you can never stop." Both legitimate concerns but untrue. It's estimated that some 27 million Chiropractic adjustments are performed each year with a 96% satisfaction rate. They're safe and effective. And care in our office is up to you. Whether you come to see us once or 100 times is your decision. We're just here to inform you how effective a Chiropractic treatment will be for your specific condition and you get to choose to be treated or not. But with a 96% satisfaction rate it's rare we hear no. Chiropractic is just that good.